Adult Filtering
In the past some found it difficult viewing myVidster from work because NSFW content would occasionally get past my filters and end up on the homepage. This will no longer happen, only approved video hosts like Youtube and Vimeo will be displayed on the homepage. It kinda sucks because users do collect a lot of video content from smaller video hosts, but its not worth the risk of seeing some 18 year old's rack on myVidster's homepage while I am in the office. Also if you browsing a user's collection that has adult content it will be block with NSFW warnings.
Reddit and Digg Stories
Digg stories that relate to the bookmarked video have been available for sometime on myVidster (viewable in the lower right column on the video display), but is now optional and must be enable. I added the same feature for Reddit stories. To enable these features go to the manage page and click edit next to the collection.
Enhance bookmarklet
For those who do not use the Firefox addon there is a new bookmarklet available. I would highly recommend you switch to the new bookmarklet. It is faster and it will be more successful at fetching the video. Also if you are using Internet Explorer, SWITCH TO ANOTHER BROWSER! IE (any version) does not work well with fetching the embedded video. This is not an issue with myVidster, but with IE's moving the flash variables outside of Javascript's innerhtml. There is also a Chrome extension I develop, but it is only for users who have Chrome Beta installed and I removed the video download and backup feature to comply with their TOS.
Where are my profile pages?
Yes, I know I still owe you guys profile pages. Life has been super busy and hopefully I can free up some time to push them out.